(Bagong Taon)

I started 2017 last year with a lot of uncertainty. I was a college student, doing my thesis with the uncertainty if I'll be able to pass my research and graduate. My father was sick with an unknown illness, and he became bedridden and lost his job. I don't know what will happen to my... Continue Reading →

[Unica hija]

I know a lot of people wonders what it is like to be an only child. I have sets of friends who, does not only have two or three, but five siblings. In my elementary days, I was the only one who does not have any siblings, and most frequent question I got is “What... Continue Reading →


Saudade means the feeling of longing for someone that you love and is lost. They say that it's better to have loved and lost, than not to love at all, but they never said anything about the aftermath of losing that someone. Some people experienced "The one that got away." or "The wrong place and... Continue Reading →


I remember when my mom told me about a facebook post tackling suicide. It was about a young girl studying in Singapore, and took her own life because of school pressure and other things. We talked about it in our car ride. As always, my mom would read the entire facebook post for us. Having... Continue Reading →


"I always get what I want." No, it's not because I'm an only child, that's why I say that phrase a lot. It's because of my determination in getting whatever it is that I want. I may not get it now but I have full belief that I will, one way or another, get it.... Continue Reading →


Fast food restaurants at 2am is very entertaining. It gives you a variety of people to observe. People who came from different places and different situations. With 15 minutes to spare, before I get my burger, it's time for my favorite part. Waiting. I became used of waiting that I developed a habit of mine... Continue Reading →

[He is Beautiful]

He looked beautiful. I know the word “Beautiful” is rarely used to describe a Man but his kind of beauty is different from what you’re picturing. He has the kind of beauty that warms up your body. The kind of beauty that makes you want to change for good. The kind of beauty that makes you want to hide... Continue Reading →

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