
When I woke up in a bright room, next to an astronaut looking person beside me, I asked them if mommy was able to teleport with me. I was really happy when mommy finally decided to teleport, like in that movie Monster’s Inc. I hated our pod. I like to call it our pod because... Continue Reading →


My name is Sol which means sun in Spanish. Her name is Alba which means flower. Every night she sings for him, but he doesn't seem to appreciate how beautiful her voice is. She smiles with those sweet pink lips, but he always looks the other way. She always try to reach for him, but... Continue Reading →


We met through the destruction of our own worlds.  I don't know what we were. Calling it "just friends" is underrated. No we were different, our relationship to one another is like sitting on a porch, beer on hand, laughing as we both see our worlds crashing down. That even though we both hate our lives... Continue Reading →


The sky was cloudy that day, it seems like it was going to rain. I love the rain. The soothing sound of the water drops. The grumble of thunder like it's been hungry for hours. The fast phasing people who are walking by to get to where they need to be. Everything looks so beautiful when... Continue Reading →


I met him when I was in my outmost loneliness. He saw me staring down from the third floor veranda. He is the guy who lives next door. He looked a little drunk and asked me what I was doing there. I didn't respond. He continue on about how beautiful the sunset looks and how... Continue Reading →


She was born 15 minutes before me, so she's considered as the older sister. But she cries a lot. I remember when we're kids, this girl took her favorite pen and all she did was cry at the teacher. She didn't even fought back. I would always see other people pick on her and she... Continue Reading →

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