
When I woke up in a bright room, next to an astronaut looking person beside me, I asked them if mommy was able to teleport with me.

I was really happy when mommy finally decided to teleport, like in that movie Monster’s Inc. I hated our pod. I like to call it our pod because mommy said it isn’t our house. It was dark and damp, and I could only see the stars in the small box above us. Our door is like the one in the movie, it has the red light that lit up when the door is open. But mommy always told me I can’t play around with it. But like in that movie, I wanted to teleport to places and not just stay in our pod. The only time I can see the door opening up is, when the shadow person comes and give mommy a box of our food. Sometimes the shadow person would sleep next to mommy. But mommy always told me to hide whenever the shadow person comes to our pod. She told me that the shadow person is evil and might take me away if it finds me.

At first I didn’t believe in mommy, because one time when mommy was in deep sleep, the shadow person came in our pod and gave me a Power Ranger toy. I was really happy because it was my very first toy. But then he tried to capture me, and I screamed, and mommy protected me. While she was fighting the shadow person, I hid inside the closet. I heard mommy screaming really loud but I was so scared that I just covered my ears and closed my eyes.

It was my 7th birthday when mommy decided we would use the teleportation door. She told me it was her surprise gift for me, but we’ll only do it after I take my nap. She also said that we both have to look good before we could teleport. I cleaned myself up really well, I took a bath, brush my teeth, put on my favourite shirt, and I let mommy cut my hair after a really long time. I was so excited I couldn’t decide which of my toys I should bring.

When it was time for my nap, mommy made me drink my milk, like usual. While she sang me to sleep, I can hear mommy crying. I wanted to ask her why but I got really tired and sleepy.

When I woke up, we already teleported to a place where everything is chocolate. I knew what this place is, it is called Switzerland. Mommy said it is where all chocolates in the world came from. There were a lot of other doors too that lead to another place. Mommy held my hand all the time and we were so happy. Until one door got broken, mommy and I was teleporting to a place where there’s a lot of plants but the door pulled me back. I held onto mommy’s hand so tight but it was pulling me too strong that my hands slipped.

After that, I woke up in a strange bright room with a person next to me in all white. It was so bright, I can hardly see who they are. I asked them if mommy was able to teleport, but they were silent. They asked me if I’m feeling okay, and a sharp sting went into my nose and throat. They put something in my nose and I panicked. The person in dress hugged me and said “Don’t worry, it’s all going to be alright from now on.” I cried and yelled at her that I wanted my mommy, but she didn’t said anything and just hugged me.

I’m sorry mommy I didn’t mean to teleport alone.



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