
The sky was cloudy that day, it seems like it was going to rain.

I love the rain. The soothing sound of the water drops. The grumble of thunder like it’s been hungry for hours. The fast phasing people who are walking by to get to where they need to be. Everything looks so beautiful when it’s raining. Even those dirty ugly billboards and the polluted city river. 

It all looks beautiful but sad. I don’t know if there is a name for that feeling but that’s what it is. Beautiful and sad.

The lights were pretty at top. I think it was dawn, the sky was pretty. The mixture of gray clouds and sunset look beautifully sad. It was time. I couldn’t pick anymore beautiful time than this. I looked up as I go down. The wind felt good. I wish it lasted. 

Everything around me was so beautiful, and yet there’s a pain in me I couldn’t removed.

It didn’t felt good at first. But later on, I felt peace within me.

Ah it was in fact, a beautiful sad feeling.

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